Guardian div. of Kelco

100% Made in the USA

Guardian Electric manufactures a standard line of solenoids, including AC and DC frame, DC tubular and latching, and AC laminate solenoids produced in various standard voltages.

For custom applications, our standard solenoids can be modified to fit a particular application or we can design a new solenoid to meet a specific requirement.

All catalog solenoids are UL Recognized and RoHS compliant (2011/65/EU)

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Guardian div. of Kelco

100% Made in the USA

Guardian Electric manufactures a standard line of solenoids, including AC and DC frame, DC tubular and latching, and AC laminate solenoids produced in various standard voltages.

For custom applications, our standard solenoids can be modified to fit a particular application or we can design a new solenoid to meet a specific requirement.

All catalog solenoids are UL Recognized and RoHS compliant (2011/65/EU)

Guardian div. of Kelco

100% Made in the USA

Guardian Electric manufactures a standard line of solenoids, including AC and DC frame, DC tubular and latching, and AC laminate solenoids produced in various standard voltages.

For custom applications, our standard solenoids can be modified to fit a particular application or we can design a new solenoid to meet a specific requirement.

All catalog solenoids are UL Recognized and RoHS compliant (2011/65/EU)

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New and featured products

Laminated Solenoids

Guardian div. of Kelco

Tubular Solenoids

Guardian div. of Kelco

Long-Life Tubular Solenoids

Guardian div. of Kelco

Frame Solenoids

Guardian div. of Kelco

Latching Solenoids

Guardian div. of Kelco

Spring Kits

Guardian div. of Kelco

contact us call us today! 800-590-4055